Declan Hayes
June 2, 2024
© Photo: Wikimedia

The process of working towards Eternal Truths cannot begin until the Pope cleans the Eternal City of NATO’s dross and barnacles.

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Stephen Karganovic’s recent article on Russia’s claims to still be the Third Rome should be widely discussed, as should his hopes that newly appointed Russian Defence Minister, Andrey Belousov, will play a crucial role in making Russia fulfill that historical destiny which, to me, at least, seems like a prescription to turn Russia into a Christian hold out, as our world to Russia’s West descends into another self-inflicted Dark Age.

Far from allowing Russia turn in on itself, I fully go along with the late Pope John Paul 11, who stated, in his first Polish Pontifical address, that Europe must breathe again with both lungs. And, though the current Pope has echoed those wishes, Europe has a very long way to go before it can draw some fresh breath into its lungs.

Europe’s eastern (Russian) lung is chiefly beset by NATO waging war against it in Ukraine and threatening war almost everywhere else these two forces collide. Although Russia has enjoyed an economic resurgence under Putin, the various schisms NATO have induced in the wider Orthodox Church present a grave threat to the very soul of Mother Russia and, though it is one Russians must collectively address, it is also one that is very pertinent for Europe’s Western lung, which seems weaker now than the East was, following the implosion of the Soviet Union.

The emasculation of the Western Church can best be seen in the rancours of Pope Francis, who has himself embroiled in all kinds of controversies that are the symptoms of his Church’s seemingly terminal decline. Though several of my previous articles showed how MI6 had got the Pope to make a fool of himself with regard to Ukraine, his latest brush with Europe’s powerful homosexual lobby does not portend well. After the Pope used the Italian frociaggine colloquialism to describe homosexuals, he was forced to backpedal and profusely apologise for giving offence to these all too easily offended privileged ones.

But a quick perusal of Vatican News would show that apologies are all the Pope seems to do. His handlers get him to put his foot in it time and again and then they get him to apologise, thus diminishing his stature a step at a time.

Even when he does something right, such as meeting Stella Moris, Julian Assange’s wife, he still cannot get it quite right. That meeting occurred on the urgings of a world famous intermediary, a good friend of Putin as it happens, who has had more than his fair share of personal crosses to carry and who, though raised in the one, holy and apostolic Catholic faith, would not be readily associated with it.

When we also consider that it was Putin who arranged for the Pope to meet Russian Patriarch Kirill in Havana, the first such meeting in 1,000 years, one could argue that Putin is doing much more for the Catholic Church than are the Vatican’s Judas Iscariots who leaked the frociaggine non-story to the Italian tabloids and thence to the world.

Putin aside, there is very much askew in the Vatican and the homosexual orgy and other scandals regularly erupting there would shock even the Borgias, never mind me. But the Pope, far from getting to the heart of these recurring scandals, just seems to do little more than utter an act of contrition before motoring along in his wheelchair to his next car crash.

The Vatican needs to get rid of all the deadwood that MI6 has the Vatican clogged up with. Pope Benedict, Francis’ predecessor, announced his resignation (over homosexual orgy scandals) whilst chairing a meeting on whom, amongst a long list of long-dead worthies, should be deemed to be saints. An important job no doubt but surely there is a group of retired priests or nuns in the remotest Amazon jungles, who could do that task just as easily.

Whilst such frivolities might have made sense a century or more ago, they make no sense where the Vatican is little more than a tourist attraction staffed, in large part, with elderly prelates who make the Ancient Mariner look like a navy cadet. Simply put, the Catholic Church’s hierarchical and gerontocrical systems can no longer be sustained. Its edifices, built on European Royalty, stable marriages, and extensive educational and health service systems have been colonised by the frociaggine and every other imaginable group of careerists, narcissists and folk with unhealthy interests in the genitals of young boys and girls.

Not only are nuns in hospitals now as rare as white blackbirds but the entire Catholic educational system is kaput. Gone are the days of tricking legions of malleable 12 year olds to devote their lives to teaching ingrates and gone too are whatever standards of excellence outfits like the Pope’s Jesuits once had. I say all that as someone, who has had decades of experience with the Jesuits and other obsolete groups.

And this demise has made obsolete the Catholic strategy of the Jesuits training the next generation of Supreme Court judges, and inferior orders training working class Catholics for middle management positions. First Communions and Confirmations are now just opportunities for adults to shove coke up their noses and the concept of a Catholic funeral is becoming a rarity, as there are not enough (very elderly) priests left to officiate at them.

Nor is that the end of the story, as the coffins and hearses tell their own stories, with suicide now being the second most common cause of death amongst young Western adults. Even priests are topping themselves. Something is wrong here, something is terribly wrong.

And that something will not be fixed by the Pope arguing with Patriarch Kirill and other kosher Orthodox Christians about the filoque, icons and the rest of it. The filoque? Give me a break. These disputes only benefit NATO, which leveraged these squabbles to destroy Iraq’s Chaldean and Assyrian Churches, an Anglican crime that should be neither forgiven nor forgotten.

Unless the Catholic Church wants to be similarly emasculated, it should hire Boston Consulting, McKinsey or some such group to help it get its house in order because, as things currently stand, the organisational structure of the one, holy and apostolic Catholic Church is no longer fit for purpose.

But it is not just the Catholic Church. Check out this report of the Israeli regime hauling in the ambassadors of Ireland, Norway and Spain to publicly humiliate them. Not to over-emphasise the point but diplomats are not not supposed to be subjected to such “unacceptable treatment”. But when the Irish Ambassador fibs that she spent her childhood years hiding in (non-existent) Belfast bomb shelters, just why should those Ambassadors warrant any respect? I knew the Irish Ambassador to Tokyo, as did every bartender in every clip joint from Shinjuku to Yokohama and he too, in his rare sober moments, would not shut up about the phantom air raid shelters of Belfast and similar bunkum.

China, it has to be said, seems to have the measure of these clowns and, irrespective of one’s politics, it is a joy to see them roll out the red carpet for dignitaries from minnow states like Vanuatu, France and the Solomon Islands, even as they leave Ursula von der Leyen carry her own bags through Customs. Ukraine’s neo Nazis cannot expect the same welcome in Beijing as was afforded to them in Westminster. And nor, of course, can our Western diplomats who are little better than those Nazis.

So, what is to be done? The first thing is to let the Russian world get on with building their own Pax Russica within their own spheres of interest, to denounce NATO’s lunatics who want to pepper Europe from the Arctic right down to Cyprus with drones and missiles to launch at Russia; to copy the Chinese gaokao civil service examination process (which is modelled on the now-obsolete Jesuit one); and to then begin cleaning out the pigsty that is Europe’s Western lung.

Although Karganovic’s recent article is worth studying, so is this earlier one from the American Conservative, which describes how Christianity overwhelmed the First Rome. Though the symptoms of Western Europe’s social diseases are now as apparent as were those of pagan Rome, I cannot see how rejuvination can possibly come from within.

And nor, of course can von der Leyen, Macron, Scholz or any of Uncle Sam’s other useful idiots. Their strategy is to batten down the hatches, increase sanctions, censorship and defence spending and hope for the best; that St Joan of Arc, Charlemagne or Constantine the Great will emerge, holding a giant LGBT flag with In hoc signo vinces emblazoned on it, leading them to rape, plunder and pillage in pastures new in Europe’s east.

Though Russian Defence Minister Andrey Belousov has assured us NATO will not do to Russia’s most vulnerable what they did to Romania’s most vulnerable in the 1990s, that is not enough, as the vulnerable of Italy, Iberia, Ireland and France must also be freed from von der Leyen, Macron, Scholz and similar degenerates on both sides of the Pond.

Though Belousov also made the important point that the West’s leaders never darken the doors of libraries, this is a particular disgrace as they could learn so much from reading Augustine’s The City of God, one of the greatest and most perennially important tracts ever written. If Russia has a worthwhile mission and if Putin’s nameless friends, who give sound advice to the Pope, have that same mission, then the City of God, the Eternal City of Eternal Truths, will triumph over the earthly city of the Biden family and their interminable LGBT plastic parades. But that process of working towards Eternal Truths cannot even begin until the Pope cleans the Eternal City of the dross and barnacles that are NATO’s sole contribution to the ascent of man.

Rome, the Eternal City and the Eternal Truths

The process of working towards Eternal Truths cannot begin until the Pope cleans the Eternal City of NATO’s dross and barnacles.

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Stephen Karganovic’s recent article on Russia’s claims to still be the Third Rome should be widely discussed, as should his hopes that newly appointed Russian Defence Minister, Andrey Belousov, will play a crucial role in making Russia fulfill that historical destiny which, to me, at least, seems like a prescription to turn Russia into a Christian hold out, as our world to Russia’s West descends into another self-inflicted Dark Age.

Far from allowing Russia turn in on itself, I fully go along with the late Pope John Paul 11, who stated, in his first Polish Pontifical address, that Europe must breathe again with both lungs. And, though the current Pope has echoed those wishes, Europe has a very long way to go before it can draw some fresh breath into its lungs.

Europe’s eastern (Russian) lung is chiefly beset by NATO waging war against it in Ukraine and threatening war almost everywhere else these two forces collide. Although Russia has enjoyed an economic resurgence under Putin, the various schisms NATO have induced in the wider Orthodox Church present a grave threat to the very soul of Mother Russia and, though it is one Russians must collectively address, it is also one that is very pertinent for Europe’s Western lung, which seems weaker now than the East was, following the implosion of the Soviet Union.

The emasculation of the Western Church can best be seen in the rancours of Pope Francis, who has himself embroiled in all kinds of controversies that are the symptoms of his Church’s seemingly terminal decline. Though several of my previous articles showed how MI6 had got the Pope to make a fool of himself with regard to Ukraine, his latest brush with Europe’s powerful homosexual lobby does not portend well. After the Pope used the Italian frociaggine colloquialism to describe homosexuals, he was forced to backpedal and profusely apologise for giving offence to these all too easily offended privileged ones.

But a quick perusal of Vatican News would show that apologies are all the Pope seems to do. His handlers get him to put his foot in it time and again and then they get him to apologise, thus diminishing his stature a step at a time.

Even when he does something right, such as meeting Stella Moris, Julian Assange’s wife, he still cannot get it quite right. That meeting occurred on the urgings of a world famous intermediary, a good friend of Putin as it happens, who has had more than his fair share of personal crosses to carry and who, though raised in the one, holy and apostolic Catholic faith, would not be readily associated with it.

When we also consider that it was Putin who arranged for the Pope to meet Russian Patriarch Kirill in Havana, the first such meeting in 1,000 years, one could argue that Putin is doing much more for the Catholic Church than are the Vatican’s Judas Iscariots who leaked the frociaggine non-story to the Italian tabloids and thence to the world.

Putin aside, there is very much askew in the Vatican and the homosexual orgy and other scandals regularly erupting there would shock even the Borgias, never mind me. But the Pope, far from getting to the heart of these recurring scandals, just seems to do little more than utter an act of contrition before motoring along in his wheelchair to his next car crash.

The Vatican needs to get rid of all the deadwood that MI6 has the Vatican clogged up with. Pope Benedict, Francis’ predecessor, announced his resignation (over homosexual orgy scandals) whilst chairing a meeting on whom, amongst a long list of long-dead worthies, should be deemed to be saints. An important job no doubt but surely there is a group of retired priests or nuns in the remotest Amazon jungles, who could do that task just as easily.

Whilst such frivolities might have made sense a century or more ago, they make no sense where the Vatican is little more than a tourist attraction staffed, in large part, with elderly prelates who make the Ancient Mariner look like a navy cadet. Simply put, the Catholic Church’s hierarchical and gerontocrical systems can no longer be sustained. Its edifices, built on European Royalty, stable marriages, and extensive educational and health service systems have been colonised by the frociaggine and every other imaginable group of careerists, narcissists and folk with unhealthy interests in the genitals of young boys and girls.

Not only are nuns in hospitals now as rare as white blackbirds but the entire Catholic educational system is kaput. Gone are the days of tricking legions of malleable 12 year olds to devote their lives to teaching ingrates and gone too are whatever standards of excellence outfits like the Pope’s Jesuits once had. I say all that as someone, who has had decades of experience with the Jesuits and other obsolete groups.

And this demise has made obsolete the Catholic strategy of the Jesuits training the next generation of Supreme Court judges, and inferior orders training working class Catholics for middle management positions. First Communions and Confirmations are now just opportunities for adults to shove coke up their noses and the concept of a Catholic funeral is becoming a rarity, as there are not enough (very elderly) priests left to officiate at them.

Nor is that the end of the story, as the coffins and hearses tell their own stories, with suicide now being the second most common cause of death amongst young Western adults. Even priests are topping themselves. Something is wrong here, something is terribly wrong.

And that something will not be fixed by the Pope arguing with Patriarch Kirill and other kosher Orthodox Christians about the filoque, icons and the rest of it. The filoque? Give me a break. These disputes only benefit NATO, which leveraged these squabbles to destroy Iraq’s Chaldean and Assyrian Churches, an Anglican crime that should be neither forgiven nor forgotten.

Unless the Catholic Church wants to be similarly emasculated, it should hire Boston Consulting, McKinsey or some such group to help it get its house in order because, as things currently stand, the organisational structure of the one, holy and apostolic Catholic Church is no longer fit for purpose.

But it is not just the Catholic Church. Check out this report of the Israeli regime hauling in the ambassadors of Ireland, Norway and Spain to publicly humiliate them. Not to over-emphasise the point but diplomats are not not supposed to be subjected to such “unacceptable treatment”. But when the Irish Ambassador fibs that she spent her childhood years hiding in (non-existent) Belfast bomb shelters, just why should those Ambassadors warrant any respect? I knew the Irish Ambassador to Tokyo, as did every bartender in every clip joint from Shinjuku to Yokohama and he too, in his rare sober moments, would not shut up about the phantom air raid shelters of Belfast and similar bunkum.

China, it has to be said, seems to have the measure of these clowns and, irrespective of one’s politics, it is a joy to see them roll out the red carpet for dignitaries from minnow states like Vanuatu, France and the Solomon Islands, even as they leave Ursula von der Leyen carry her own bags through Customs. Ukraine’s neo Nazis cannot expect the same welcome in Beijing as was afforded to them in Westminster. And nor, of course, can our Western diplomats who are little better than those Nazis.

So, what is to be done? The first thing is to let the Russian world get on with building their own Pax Russica within their own spheres of interest, to denounce NATO’s lunatics who want to pepper Europe from the Arctic right down to Cyprus with drones and missiles to launch at Russia; to copy the Chinese gaokao civil service examination process (which is modelled on the now-obsolete Jesuit one); and to then begin cleaning out the pigsty that is Europe’s Western lung.

Although Karganovic’s recent article is worth studying, so is this earlier one from the American Conservative, which describes how Christianity overwhelmed the First Rome. Though the symptoms of Western Europe’s social diseases are now as apparent as were those of pagan Rome, I cannot see how rejuvination can possibly come from within.

And nor, of course can von der Leyen, Macron, Scholz or any of Uncle Sam’s other useful idiots. Their strategy is to batten down the hatches, increase sanctions, censorship and defence spending and hope for the best; that St Joan of Arc, Charlemagne or Constantine the Great will emerge, holding a giant LGBT flag with In hoc signo vinces emblazoned on it, leading them to rape, plunder and pillage in pastures new in Europe’s east.

Though Russian Defence Minister Andrey Belousov has assured us NATO will not do to Russia’s most vulnerable what they did to Romania’s most vulnerable in the 1990s, that is not enough, as the vulnerable of Italy, Iberia, Ireland and France must also be freed from von der Leyen, Macron, Scholz and similar degenerates on both sides of the Pond.

Though Belousov also made the important point that the West’s leaders never darken the doors of libraries, this is a particular disgrace as they could learn so much from reading Augustine’s The City of God, one of the greatest and most perennially important tracts ever written. If Russia has a worthwhile mission and if Putin’s nameless friends, who give sound advice to the Pope, have that same mission, then the City of God, the Eternal City of Eternal Truths, will triumph over the earthly city of the Biden family and their interminable LGBT plastic parades. But that process of working towards Eternal Truths cannot even begin until the Pope cleans the Eternal City of the dross and barnacles that are NATO’s sole contribution to the ascent of man.

The process of working towards Eternal Truths cannot begin until the Pope cleans the Eternal City of NATO’s dross and barnacles.

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Stephen Karganovic’s recent article on Russia’s claims to still be the Third Rome should be widely discussed, as should his hopes that newly appointed Russian Defence Minister, Andrey Belousov, will play a crucial role in making Russia fulfill that historical destiny which, to me, at least, seems like a prescription to turn Russia into a Christian hold out, as our world to Russia’s West descends into another self-inflicted Dark Age.

Far from allowing Russia turn in on itself, I fully go along with the late Pope John Paul 11, who stated, in his first Polish Pontifical address, that Europe must breathe again with both lungs. And, though the current Pope has echoed those wishes, Europe has a very long way to go before it can draw some fresh breath into its lungs.

Europe’s eastern (Russian) lung is chiefly beset by NATO waging war against it in Ukraine and threatening war almost everywhere else these two forces collide. Although Russia has enjoyed an economic resurgence under Putin, the various schisms NATO have induced in the wider Orthodox Church present a grave threat to the very soul of Mother Russia and, though it is one Russians must collectively address, it is also one that is very pertinent for Europe’s Western lung, which seems weaker now than the East was, following the implosion of the Soviet Union.

The emasculation of the Western Church can best be seen in the rancours of Pope Francis, who has himself embroiled in all kinds of controversies that are the symptoms of his Church’s seemingly terminal decline. Though several of my previous articles showed how MI6 had got the Pope to make a fool of himself with regard to Ukraine, his latest brush with Europe’s powerful homosexual lobby does not portend well. After the Pope used the Italian frociaggine colloquialism to describe homosexuals, he was forced to backpedal and profusely apologise for giving offence to these all too easily offended privileged ones.

But a quick perusal of Vatican News would show that apologies are all the Pope seems to do. His handlers get him to put his foot in it time and again and then they get him to apologise, thus diminishing his stature a step at a time.

Even when he does something right, such as meeting Stella Moris, Julian Assange’s wife, he still cannot get it quite right. That meeting occurred on the urgings of a world famous intermediary, a good friend of Putin as it happens, who has had more than his fair share of personal crosses to carry and who, though raised in the one, holy and apostolic Catholic faith, would not be readily associated with it.

When we also consider that it was Putin who arranged for the Pope to meet Russian Patriarch Kirill in Havana, the first such meeting in 1,000 years, one could argue that Putin is doing much more for the Catholic Church than are the Vatican’s Judas Iscariots who leaked the frociaggine non-story to the Italian tabloids and thence to the world.

Putin aside, there is very much askew in the Vatican and the homosexual orgy and other scandals regularly erupting there would shock even the Borgias, never mind me. But the Pope, far from getting to the heart of these recurring scandals, just seems to do little more than utter an act of contrition before motoring along in his wheelchair to his next car crash.

The Vatican needs to get rid of all the deadwood that MI6 has the Vatican clogged up with. Pope Benedict, Francis’ predecessor, announced his resignation (over homosexual orgy scandals) whilst chairing a meeting on whom, amongst a long list of long-dead worthies, should be deemed to be saints. An important job no doubt but surely there is a group of retired priests or nuns in the remotest Amazon jungles, who could do that task just as easily.

Whilst such frivolities might have made sense a century or more ago, they make no sense where the Vatican is little more than a tourist attraction staffed, in large part, with elderly prelates who make the Ancient Mariner look like a navy cadet. Simply put, the Catholic Church’s hierarchical and gerontocrical systems can no longer be sustained. Its edifices, built on European Royalty, stable marriages, and extensive educational and health service systems have been colonised by the frociaggine and every other imaginable group of careerists, narcissists and folk with unhealthy interests in the genitals of young boys and girls.

Not only are nuns in hospitals now as rare as white blackbirds but the entire Catholic educational system is kaput. Gone are the days of tricking legions of malleable 12 year olds to devote their lives to teaching ingrates and gone too are whatever standards of excellence outfits like the Pope’s Jesuits once had. I say all that as someone, who has had decades of experience with the Jesuits and other obsolete groups.

And this demise has made obsolete the Catholic strategy of the Jesuits training the next generation of Supreme Court judges, and inferior orders training working class Catholics for middle management positions. First Communions and Confirmations are now just opportunities for adults to shove coke up their noses and the concept of a Catholic funeral is becoming a rarity, as there are not enough (very elderly) priests left to officiate at them.

Nor is that the end of the story, as the coffins and hearses tell their own stories, with suicide now being the second most common cause of death amongst young Western adults. Even priests are topping themselves. Something is wrong here, something is terribly wrong.

And that something will not be fixed by the Pope arguing with Patriarch Kirill and other kosher Orthodox Christians about the filoque, icons and the rest of it. The filoque? Give me a break. These disputes only benefit NATO, which leveraged these squabbles to destroy Iraq’s Chaldean and Assyrian Churches, an Anglican crime that should be neither forgiven nor forgotten.

Unless the Catholic Church wants to be similarly emasculated, it should hire Boston Consulting, McKinsey or some such group to help it get its house in order because, as things currently stand, the organisational structure of the one, holy and apostolic Catholic Church is no longer fit for purpose.

But it is not just the Catholic Church. Check out this report of the Israeli regime hauling in the ambassadors of Ireland, Norway and Spain to publicly humiliate them. Not to over-emphasise the point but diplomats are not not supposed to be subjected to such “unacceptable treatment”. But when the Irish Ambassador fibs that she spent her childhood years hiding in (non-existent) Belfast bomb shelters, just why should those Ambassadors warrant any respect? I knew the Irish Ambassador to Tokyo, as did every bartender in every clip joint from Shinjuku to Yokohama and he too, in his rare sober moments, would not shut up about the phantom air raid shelters of Belfast and similar bunkum.

China, it has to be said, seems to have the measure of these clowns and, irrespective of one’s politics, it is a joy to see them roll out the red carpet for dignitaries from minnow states like Vanuatu, France and the Solomon Islands, even as they leave Ursula von der Leyen carry her own bags through Customs. Ukraine’s neo Nazis cannot expect the same welcome in Beijing as was afforded to them in Westminster. And nor, of course, can our Western diplomats who are little better than those Nazis.

So, what is to be done? The first thing is to let the Russian world get on with building their own Pax Russica within their own spheres of interest, to denounce NATO’s lunatics who want to pepper Europe from the Arctic right down to Cyprus with drones and missiles to launch at Russia; to copy the Chinese gaokao civil service examination process (which is modelled on the now-obsolete Jesuit one); and to then begin cleaning out the pigsty that is Europe’s Western lung.

Although Karganovic’s recent article is worth studying, so is this earlier one from the American Conservative, which describes how Christianity overwhelmed the First Rome. Though the symptoms of Western Europe’s social diseases are now as apparent as were those of pagan Rome, I cannot see how rejuvination can possibly come from within.

And nor, of course can von der Leyen, Macron, Scholz or any of Uncle Sam’s other useful idiots. Their strategy is to batten down the hatches, increase sanctions, censorship and defence spending and hope for the best; that St Joan of Arc, Charlemagne or Constantine the Great will emerge, holding a giant LGBT flag with In hoc signo vinces emblazoned on it, leading them to rape, plunder and pillage in pastures new in Europe’s east.

Though Russian Defence Minister Andrey Belousov has assured us NATO will not do to Russia’s most vulnerable what they did to Romania’s most vulnerable in the 1990s, that is not enough, as the vulnerable of Italy, Iberia, Ireland and France must also be freed from von der Leyen, Macron, Scholz and similar degenerates on both sides of the Pond.

Though Belousov also made the important point that the West’s leaders never darken the doors of libraries, this is a particular disgrace as they could learn so much from reading Augustine’s The City of God, one of the greatest and most perennially important tracts ever written. If Russia has a worthwhile mission and if Putin’s nameless friends, who give sound advice to the Pope, have that same mission, then the City of God, the Eternal City of Eternal Truths, will triumph over the earthly city of the Biden family and their interminable LGBT plastic parades. But that process of working towards Eternal Truths cannot even begin until the Pope cleans the Eternal City of the dross and barnacles that are NATO’s sole contribution to the ascent of man.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 9, 2025
February 16, 2025

See also

March 9, 2025
February 16, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.